So these character models are my first real exposure to er... big-boy character rigs. And the quality is just *chefs kiss*, Magnifique. Prior to the recent global game jam, I've never really dealt with behavioral trees in depth beyond a simple controller, much less with BlendTrees.
First of all, the concepts of blend trees are wild to me. You can take a bunch of animations, bundle them together (blend), and then use THAT thing as a node in the animator graph in Unity. The Asset Came With the bare Essentials set up, an Animator that moves between three blend trees( "Grounded", "Airborne", and " Crouching"), and a simple controller, and without that little light, I would have absolutely manually made an animation controller the same way I always have, with many many variables and pain.
So, needless to say, I've been dissecting this whole blending thing to make more fluid combat, as we step away from the art and world-building and start of the behavioral scripting of both Livia, and the enemies.
Here is a very cursed demo of the character mapping as it stands now.